Today's the last day of work!!! Finally free to update my blog!
Just a few picture(s)!!!

Outdoor Shoot Photographers!


*weet weet*
Moe Moe L♥VE (;

♥ came too! ^^
(P.S. I know I don't look Azu, don't rub it in anymore T.T )
I'm like super upset luh :(
My indoor shoot pictures came out very very very badly (as expected) and I can't believe why Animax chose that picture to put up the web & FB. My hair cap could obviously be seen and my wig was CMI and Bren's eyes was like nearly closing! Hais!
(expecting a lot of bad bad comments coming in really soon T^T)

♥ brought me to buy Gelato Ice cream! :D
The chocolate flavored was the best! & pistachio too!

♥ My Cotton Candy Girls (:
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