Hello everyone!
I went to the Shine Youth Festival media conference that day!!
But ended up with the omy bloggers after my performances!
So I'll have lesser photos than the rest on the event but still, do read it!
Okay, for people who never heard of Shine before, you must be very curious..
What is SHINE?
(Taken from their website)
"SHINE features an assortment of activities that cut across the varied backgrounds and interests of the modern young Singaporean. Highlights include Live Performances, Exhibitions, Workshops, Competitions and Forums across many interests, including creative and performing arts, sports and adventure, community issues, technology and business.
SHINE Youth Festival also offers many opportunities for youth from all walks of life to actively contribute and participate in the festival. Not only can you sign up as a participant or a volunteer, you can also get in to the thick of action to organise events."
And for this year's Shine Youth Festival,
They have a special section, PLEDGE TO SHINE.
I really love their idea to "PLEDGE TO SHINE".
Everyone have dreams in them (whether young/old),
but many of us were never brave enough to say it out or try to make it happen.
So here's your chance to!
Don't be shy, don't be afraid, pledge yours now!
Shall show you guys mine :)
1. Go to http://shine.nyc.sg
2. Scroll down and click "Pledge to SHINE portal"
3. Whenever you're ready, Click "PLEDGE NOW" :)
4. Type in your pledge
Mine is to never give up on the things I love.
you'd have seen my status writing
"Oftentimes, we regret not doing than the things we've done wrong."
I was having this very deep thought, when I turn back and look at what I've done in life when I'm on my deathbed, what would I regret most?
It appealed to me that, I'll regret not doing things I wanted to do/love to do.
Instead of doing something and making grave mistakes out of it.
Don't you think so too?
5. Share your pledge with your friends!
Get them to pledge too! It'll be fun doing it with friends :)
Okay, now to pictures!!
Backstage w/ the JDGS peops ♥
Like those celebs always take pictures at these kind boards, lol!
Inspiring speech.
OMY.SG Bloggers ♥
w/ Miranda! My first friend from Domino Pizza Party!
w/ Eileen! My 2nd friend at Domino Pizza Party!!
w/ Damien!
w/ Cookie!
She very cute lor, keep sharing w us how cheap her stuffs are!!
Check her blog out!
w/ William!
His smile very SUNSHINE! (Y)
New friends! Regine!
Super cool babe! I like her "LIP RING" (Y)!
He was super shy~ Hahaha. But this was his first event. I feel you yo!
This is like my 2nd event w omy.sg!
Her hair's highlights are REAL. Cool or what!
My XB memorizing his script, lol!
Small eyes!!
Group photo!^^
And lastly, camwhore photo at the changing room behind stage!!
That's all I got for you guys now,
Have you pledged yet?
What are you waiting for? :)