Hi guys!!
As usual, if you've been following my twitter (@noellemikazuki),
you'd have known I'VE BEEN TO THE CATHAY'S PLATINUM MOVIE SUITE for a movie this morning (:
Today's the official launch of the Cathay's platinum movie suite!!
And as a "fan" of Cathay, how could I miss out, right!!

Hungry Grumpy Me!!

At the lounge!!

Free iPad usage, for net surfing only though.
No apps to play with! They should totally download Jubeats!!

Our ticket holder!

Super nice movie, might blog about it in the next post!!
or not. HAHA.

Damn nice! Esp the lighting!!
Very good for camwhoring, hohoho!!

Hehe, love this light!!

And here comes my platinum card (:

Headed down to Ben & Jerrys' after.

Phish Food!!
and guess why is it called Phish Food??

B'cause there's FISHES!! (Phish-es)

Free Starbucks Frappé.

Tired babylove <3
Okay, so here's the review of Cathay's Platinum Movie Suite.
Compared to GV's Gold Class,
1. Cathay DO NOT have complimentary drinks out at the lounge.
Which was really sad. Everything's chargeable!!
GV had free snacks and drinks while in the lounge!!
2. Cathay's service wasn't as pro efficient as GV's.
Bf pressed the service button thrice in the movie theater but NO ONE came to our service even though we waited super long. Ended up going out to ask them for what we needed.
GV on the other hand was really efficient. I randomly pressed that button without knowing it was the service button and before I knew it, I was attended to.
1. There's entertainment in the Cathay's Platinum lounge (like iPad!!)
2. The food choice in Cathay were much more than GV's.
and it tasted 80% better than GV's!!
3. Lamps beside the seat!!
It was really convenient having the lamp by there. When the food came, at least we were not left in the dark to figure where to open and etc (like in GV). It was really useful.
4. The seats were more comfy and clean!!
Partly because it was made of leather. If it was dirtied, it could be wiped etc.
GV's was velvet and the seats were horribly dirty!! :<
So yeah, loved Cathay's Platinum more than GV's gold class! (:
However, the movie choice for the platinum suite are limited as compared to GV.
I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the movie theater itself, so
See more photo(s) at the Cathay's Facebook page
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