As usual, if you've been following my twitter,
you'd have known that I was working at the PC Show this year!
(Do follow if you've yet to follow!!)
And let me clarify here once again,
I'm working as a PROMOTER, NOT a showgirl!!
I seriously don't know what's with the misconception whenever people hear I'm working in IT/PC Show, their first impression's showgirl. Promoter ok, promoter!!
Okay, anyway. PC Show this time round was really fun!
Met quite a lot of my friends and the people working there was really nice too!
( Forgot to take a group picture on the last day!:( )
Thank you to every single one that came down to find me and said Hi to me!
(And of course to those that came down but was too shy to say hi!)
I kind of enjoyed working this PC Show, and time passed super fast!
Though it was kinda tiring and stuff, but I made new friends and learnt new stuff (:
( Not much though, need to work y'all know~ (; )
Yes, as you'd guess, I'm promoting for Alcatel's lok kok phones!!
This OT-803Y looks damn chio right!!
And it works like a Blackberry, damn cool I swear!
Only bad thing's that it doesn't support 3G network and can't download apps :(
But it's damn cheap!! like 1/5 of a Blackberry price!!
Trying out the Eye Massager, lol!
Boyfriend(@allenkaname) came to find me after work for dinner(?) at TCC,
There was some promo at TCC (still on till July I think), 1 for 1 pasta!
Shag face (=.__.=)
My fav alcatel phone, LOL!
Cool thing about working as a promoter for phone's that we get to bring back the live set! (Y)
From Chinteck(@teckyy)!!
Thank you so much!! Made me alert for the whole day!!
Ok, enough of me camwhoring with that poor cup of drink! hahaha!
See! Damn cute right!
My colleague(?) Joseph wrote my name on my bottle!! hahaha!!
And in the night we got Rice Balls to eat!!
Working there like damn enjoy only la! :D
(Colleagues(?) say that this picture look like I'm eating at some night market, lol!)
That's Edwin! (Say HI!)
Joseph cam shy~ lol!!
Day 2 was kinda tiring because I had to go for another event in the morning,
woke up at 6am and had to work till 9pm, practically the whole day (;A ;)
You can see dark eye rings under my eyes already, lol!
Woke up earlier to catch a movie (kungfu panda) with boyfriend(@allenkaname)!
Ate at Plaza Sing's Toastbox first!!
Disgusting eggs!! >____<
(Don't know why people like to eat half boiled eggs so much!! It actually smell and taste like vomit to me!!)
Boyfriend's Floss toast!
As the caption in the photo says.
My french toast!!
It tasted really nice, very fragrant!!
But the customer service was horrid, seriously horrendous.
The staffs should reflect.
While I was putting on my make up in the toilet,
Boyfriend ran to buy Hot tea for me because I was freezing in the cinema!! How sweet!! ♥
Bought Shure's earphones during the PC Show!!
(That was like one day of my salary incl commission!!)
Boyfriend sponsored half of the cost! :D
Might do a review on this earphones in the posts to come~
Chinteck(@teckyy) came down again!!
Make me feel so paiseh lor, always treat me drink! >///<
First time drinking this flavor, and first time eating White pearls!
Yea, a lot of people asked me, what's the difference? Taste different or not?
I can't really taste the difference except the texture la! but maybe there is, just that I can't taste it!!
This is Chinteck(@teckyy)!!
And this is Shin(@shinXIII_)!!
(Shy cat!!)
Fierce cat! LOL!
Thanks for eating lunch with me during the PC Show!! (:
Guessed where's this?
TCC!! HAHAHA, Suntec's outlet!!
Ate TCC for my last day of PC Show dinner, with Boyfriend(@allenkaname)!!
(forgot to bring my camera out, so gotta make do with iphone's photo quality)
No idea what fish is this, BUT IT TASTED AWESOMELY NICE!!! ♥____♥
THAT'S ALL!!! ^^
Do click on my adverts from nuffnang please!!
(Below my "advert" picture, pls off your auto filter thing if you can't see it!)
Going off now!!
Do comment if you want me do blog about anything okay!! (like reviews or etc)
I want to do a giveaway, but I've no idea what you guys are interested in, so do leave a comment too!
(like maybe make up? or eyelash? or nail polishes? or facial masks?)
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