Happy Birthday to me :)
Finally, I'm 21.
I really have a super super long thank you speech to write, so please do bear with it ok.
First and foremost,
I would really want to thank my parents, my mum and my dad.
Though they wouldn't be reading this blog of mine, but I really want to express my gratitude to them.
They are the ones that brought me up, taught me everything in life. And supported me through the tough times in life. Never once did they give up on me but always lead me in life.
Though at many times, my decision and direction in life might not always be parallel with them.
But I really love my parents a lot, the most.
Really want to thank them for everything they've done for me in the past 21 years.
Also, sponsoring my catering for my big day.
Next would be my two brothers that sponsored my chalet.
Especially my eldest brother.
Thank you for always protecting me and guiding me patiently in life.
Providing me with support both physically and mentally and sometimes financially too.
I think my eldest brother is the only kin that went down to most of my competitions to support me.
And also teaching me theories in life and understanding me always.
Not forgetting my second brother, though he's really strict and fierce. I know he cares somehow.
And my God mummy too.
Thank you for everything in the past 21 years.
Always wanting to bring me to many countries to experience new stuffs with her, cooking french toast every morning that I stayed over at her place..and many many more things she've done for me that I really could never ever repay.
Since young, she's been showering me with love. Always wanting the best for me.
Thank you for loving me so much like your real daughter :)
I'm so sorry that I'm always so busy with my life that I neglected you a lot.
But I'll never break the tradition of making it a must to stay over at your place every lunar new year.
Thank you so much for being such a best friend for the past 4 years.
Seriously, I'm really blessed to have such a friend like you.
Throughout these 4 years, we got to know slowly each other more and slowly get closer till up to today, die hard buddies that could talk about anything and everything in life.
I seriously don't know what I would be without you in life.
I probably would've jumped off some building or something if I hadn't had you to listen to all my rantings though it's the same old story most of the time.
Thank you so so so much for the support you've always given me up till today.
Also, thanks for flying back to Sg just to make it in time for my birthday and also entertaining and serving my birthday guests though you're supposed to be a guest too.
Thank you laoren, thank you for always being there for me every time :)
You know I super love you though I always say you're damn irritating! Haha.
249 & 113.
Thank you for getting such a BOOMZ cake for my birthday!
I know you guys spent a lot of effort and time and money to get the cake, I really loved it.
Also, thank you so much for entertaining my guests on behalf of me too!
Esp 113, though I'm super mad at you for keep wanting to ask 007 to drink!
But thank you for entertaining my guests, esp those that came down alone.
Also, thank you so much for making such an impact in my life by teaching so much in work and life.
Thanks for always being that happy fruit, making me stay positive :)
And to 249 too, thank you for entertaining my guests too!
Thank you for all the years in poly where I was a spoilt brat back then that always skipped lectures, always didn't want to study for exams. Thank you for being so motivated that I myself became motivated too. I really miss those days where we exchanged notes, and stay late in school to mug for exams together.
Don't know why, but at that time, you were the only one that could say words that would really make me wake up from my sadness and pull me back to finding myself.
Thank you :)
Thank you for the helium gas for my birthday!
I know it was super troublesome for you but still you got it for me because it was my birthday.
Thank you so much for everything since 2007. All the memories, everything.
If I didn't meet you, I would probably be that unreasonable and stubborn Noelle that always wanted things to go my way. I've really learnt a lot from you.
There's a lot more I would want to say but I think it's a little inappropriate to type it here.
But you know what I'm gonna say anyway since we always read each other's minds :)
Thank you, sincerely.
BFFF huh? :)
Thank you for coming down to my birthday, though you had to come all alone.
I know the situation would be awkward for you too, but thanks for insisting on coming.
Thank you for getting the alcohols for me too!
Also, thank you for teaching me many things in life.
Though you might not have known, but I've really learnt a lot from you.
Thank you for every memory you've given me, and everything.
I'm still really glad I got to know someone like you :)
Thank you for coming down, though you had to come down alone too.
I'm really glad that you managed to click with my friends during my birthday and not get too bored!
Thank you for being such a good friend. I really have no idea how we managed to still keep in contact throughout all these years. From snail mails, to sms, to internet platforms.
Though we seldom contact each other, but we always know we have each other in each other's hearts :)
And I'm glad we can get to celebrate our birthdays together!!
I would really want to, if possible, celebrate our birthdays every year together.
We should really catch up again really soon!! Got so much to tell you :)
Hey darlin, though you didn't make it down for my birthday, but I'm really glad I have you as one of my bestest friend :)
I really want to thank you for being there for me, esp during the days when I fret over rs issues and stuff. I remember how we cried together, and supported each other :)
Also, how we camped at your place playing meetoto, photoshoots for my blogshop, watching stupid movies, snacking, playing monopoly deals with your bro, and many many more.
Thank you for always remembering me.
And though I know you're facing many obstacles in life now, please do not give up.
I'll always be here for you, anytime, anywhere.
No matter what happens, you know you'll always have a darlinglove here for you to support you.
Just a text or a phone call. I'll be there.
You're like one of the one that I really super must say thanks to!
Thank you for always always always being there for me when I rant.
I feel like I'm always sharing my problems with you and you just keep listening only, haha.
Thank you for all the advises every single time. Esp the days when I was struggling in my previous rs.
Thank you for always sharing with me your experiences and being on a neutral point of view to advise me. And also always so steady to meet up for dinner and to troll Roy, LOLOL!!!
I really don't know how to express my gratitude man. Thank you J♥!
Hey XB, though you might not be reading this but I really want to thank you for being there for me!
And it's super embarrassing when the first few times we really meet, I'm always in such a bad state.
Thanks for the support you've given to me. I remember how you scolded me and wake me up at Jurong Point. Seriously, I'd never forget that day.
Although your words sting at times, but I like the way you are.
I like how straight forward you are, no pretence :)
Thank you for being there, whine whine whine!! Wahahahhahaha!!
Thank you so much for all the guidance, be it at work or in life.
I really learnt and grown a lot through this 1 year plus being in WHL.
Though at times you guys are really irritating when disturbing me, but I know you guys care for me :)
I know I'm really slow in learning sometimes but thank you for the patient guidance and always helping me out when I needed help. And always being there to care for me and advise me, be it work, family, rs, everything.
I'm really blessed to know each and every of you in life.
Thank you :)
CMCC people.
Thank you for coming down to my party, and more, offering to do live band at my party!
Seriously, I wouldn't know what my party would be like without you guys.
It'll probably be very lifeless and boring. Everyone will be stoning and doing nothing.
Though I know during my poly days, I did not do my role well in CMCC.
But thank you giving me such an awesome birthday experience and birthday gift.
The gift was really meaningful. Priceless.
To MW & JJ, thank you for this. Also, asking me along for every alternate week CMCC's mini performance. I really learnt a lot from the juniors and you guys too.
You guys make me motivated to pursue music, dreams.
Esp the juniors. Looking at them are like looking at myself back then..
Thank you so much for this great favour!
FOG babes.
Thank you to the 8 of you for bringing so much joy to my life!
Though only 4 of you managed to turn up on the days itself, but thank you for always being around my life and spreading the joy around! Being with you guys are really relaxing and forever laughing!!
I'm sorry I neglected you girls so much because of my packed schedule. But I'm trying to make aside a day for dancing next month onwards! So, everyone has to be free too ok!! Bring back the dance spirit in us!! Woooosa!!
I miss dancing and gossiping with you girls so much!
And I really got tons of stuffs to catch up with you girls, tons!! Meet up soon!!
KC girls.
Though only a few of you made it for my party, but I'm really glad to know all of you!
Esp those in the EOY Meido Ambassador 2011 batch :)
Also, Tim & Vincent.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to know and work with such awesome people and best, do what I like, performing etc.
Thank you for coming down for my birthday (the first few to reach!!), sorry if the party was too boring for you guys and if I wasn't a good host!!
I'll do my best to squeeze time out for an outing together ok!!
Thank you so much for coming down for my birthday!!
Though I know I didn't entertain you guys much, but thank you for coming down!! :)
I know I'm like super anti-social back then in poly, lol. You guys are probably the only few that I actually talk to in class.
Esp to my da ge, thanks for remembering your xiao mei and at times randomly making me laugh out loud at your twitter replies! :)
Dear Bernice!! Thank you for the super pretty guestbook! I super love it!!
Thanks for the trouble of passing 007 the guestbook and rushing down after school for my party.
I'm really glad I got to know you in life.
Thank you for always caring about me and always keeping a very positive attitude that unknowingly influenced me to be positive too! Really had fun back then dressing up for church events!! :)
Also, thank you for always coming down to find me for my cosplay events!
Please continue to stay in contact okay!! :):):)
Thank you guys.
Thanks for coming down though I left the band already.
To be honest, if time were to turn back, I'd never choose to neglect the band for other things.
But oh well. Thanks so much for coming down!!
Think it was pretty boring for you guys cause the songs were either C/E/K-pop, lol.
Anyway, though it was a short period of few months that we were a band, I really enjoyed all the time spent with you guys. Really. A once in a lifetime experience.
I never had a band. You guys were the first.
I could still remember the first time jamming with you guys, the trial jam.
It was practically awesome, beyond words.
And how we hung out after jamming sessions, and went KTV together (Wayne can never sing Chinese cause he can't read the lyrics off the screen, lol!!), think of our band name, stupid chats on MSN & FB msg, and many many more. Those were the times I really could never ever forget.
Thank you for being such an important part of my memory.
I love you guys super a lot though I never once said it.
RefRain will always be a part of me though I'm no longer a part of it anymore.
Ok, back to the point. Thank you so much so much for all the times! :)
Seriously I don't know how we actually got to know each other and got so close :)
Thank you Nya, thanks for always being there for me when I needed someone to talk to or drink with.
I don't want to type too much here cause I think it'll attract a lot of attention(?), lol.
And I know you don't like too much attention kind :)
But thank you nya, thank you for rushing down after your presentation for my birthday!
And also throughout these 2 years, being such a great cat!!
I'll never forget all the things you've done for me :)
And last but not least.
Thank you so much so much so much for every single thing.
I know we're together for a short period only, but thank you so much for loving me with all your heart.
The things you've done for me, the sacrifices. And many more.
I know my temper is not very good. And I'm really unreasonable, at times(?).
But thank you for tolerating all these shit from me and at the same time, still loving me so much.
Thank you for never giving up on me and always standing by me, supporting me and helping me.
Especially for my birthday, I know it was super awkward for you since you didn't know anyone there.
But you made the effort to mingle with my friends and my mum.
Also, helping me to entertain and serve my guests, clearing the food, arranging the stuffs etc.
And yes, you're right. My best birthday gift I had this year, was to have found such a guy like you.
I'm sorry for being a bad girlfriend in the start, I promise you, things will only improve for the better :)
Also, not forgetting the people who made it down to my party.
Thank you so much for spending the time to come down.
Cookies, Damien, Regine, Marcus, Amos, and many more.
Each and every one of you made a difference.
And I really have no idea what my party would be like if you guys did not come down.
I would also want to take this opportunity to thank every single one on my
Thank you so much for the support you guys have given me for the past one year plus.
Really, without you guys support, I would've withdrawn myself from events and social platforms.
Seriously, you guys don't know how much each and every like/follower mean to me.
Every time I feel like giving up on blogging/events/music, your comments/likes will motivate me to push on and fight on. To never give up chasing my dreams.
Without you guys, there'll be no Noelle Mikazuki.
I'll probably be like every other individual out there, living a normal lifestyle.
You guys made my life special, different, meaningful, memorable.
Thank you so much :)
Okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok, don't find me a nag ok!
Now to the pictures of my birthday!!


Sign in area :)

Alcohol for the night!
(Apparently not sufficient! Didn't expect much of my friends to drink actually, lol!)

736 & MW.

Photobooth photos!!
(No caption unless required)



Tim; Vincent

Thanks for coming down so early! Sorry to have bore you while waiting for the rest to come!!


KC Girls



Damien; Regine; Cookies

My cat!!

Thank you so much for Ted!! I super love this present!!
Thank you so much for coming down and I'm super sorry that I neglected you.


FOG babes


When I opened the cake, everyone was going "Omg, this cake is so Noelle"















The awesome and the cake.

Hello, I'm a kitty girl.

Step one cute.
Following pictures from my friend's camera! :)

Impromptu singing due to audiences request T.T


Behind the scenes.

Le me pouting cause it was super warm!!

Duet with 736 ♥

Once again,
Thank you to each and everyone of you who made my birthday such a memorable one :)
I really feel like the most fortunate, most blessed, and luckiest girl ever.

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